Director of the Institute of Innovative Technologies







Helen Ja. Kuznetsova

Deputy Director for scientific-educational activities of the Institute of Innovative Technologies


Candidate of Science (Engineering), assistant professor, professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

Field of scientific research – physical properties of combustive-lubricating materials, pedagogy.


Contact telephone: 406-70-52






 Ganna E. Marinchenko

Chief of the educational-scientific section of the Institute of Innovative Technologies


Candidate of Science (Engineering), assistant professor, assistant professor of the department of theoretical physics.

Field of scientific research – physics of metals, pedagogy.


Contact telephone: 406-75-39







Boris A. Elizarov

Chief of the information technologies section of the Institute of Innovative Technologies


Candidate of Science (Engineering), assistant professor, assistant professor of the department of computerized systems of information security.

Field of scientific research – automatized control systems, knowledge and data bases, information networks.