Characteristics of the Specialities

The students, who study in English. Brief information about specialties, in frame of which teaching in English is provided

More than one thousand students of  National Aviation University are now taking education in English. Among them there are citizens of about fifty countries namely China, Gambia, Hungary,  Italy, India,  Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Lithuania.

         The education and  training in English for  Bachelor and Master degrees has been carried out at the National Aviation University  since 1999 and now is provided  in  directions and specialties as follows:


Field of Training – 0701 “ Transport and transport infrastructure”

Aerospace Institute,   Faculty of Aircraft

direction : 6.070101 “Aviation ground-based transport”

Specialty: Mechanical Engineer in  technical operation and repair of ground-based transport vehicles, equipment for automation and  mechanization  of airport  engineering   processes, storing, transporting, filling and oil servicing, fuels and lubricants quality  checking (up to 2006 year- educational direction: 1001 ”Aviation and Space Technology”,  specialty 8.100103 Technologies and airport technical equipment (Aerospace Institute, Faculty of Aircraft):

Analyses of operation processes in airport transport systems of flight ground support,  planning of different transport means  interaction   and  their  effective application , estimating  transport means production and self cost of transportation, planning and providing   aviation enterprises with fuel and lubricants, energy saving.

direction : 6.070103 “Aircraft maintenance”

Specialty: Mechanical Engineer in  maintenance and repair of aircraft and aeroengines (up to 2006 year- educational direction: 1001 ”Aviation and Space Technology”,  specialty 8.100106 Manufacturing, maintenance and repair of aircraft and engines (Aerospace Institute, Faculty of Aircraft):

            Modern manufacturing technologies, maintenance and repair of aircraft and aeroengines, aircraft continued airworthiness and flight safety,  aircraft technical conditions monitoring ,methods of aircraft diagnostics,  flight information analysis, aircraft retrofitting up-to-date technologies, aerotechnics certification routine , design, manufacturing and testing of aircraft power plants.


Field of Training – 0506 “ Power Engineering and Power Machine Building”

Aerospace Institute,   Mechanical-Energy Faculty

direction : 6.050604 “Power machine building”

Specialty: Mechanical engineer in operation, maintenance, repair, design, manufacturing and testing of gas turbine plants and compressor stations (up to 2006 year – educational direction 0905 ”Power Engineering”, specialty 8.090522 “Gas Turbine Plants and Compressor Stations” (Mechanical-Energy Faculty)

            Modern technologies of design, construction, maintenance, diagnostics and repair of power energy complexes, gas turbine plants, gas-pumping aggregates and compressor stations, cleaning and heat-exchange devices, systems of equipment manufacturing for gas transporting pipeline systems.


Field of Training – 0401 «Natural Sciences»:

Institute of Ecological Safety

direction: 6.040106 «Ecology, Environment Protection and Balanced Nature Resources Management» (up to 2006 – 7.070801 Ecology and Environment Protection)

Ecological and man-caused safety, environment protection at work and adjacent territories, in residential areas and in case of emergencies, environment inspection, ecological expertise of economy development plans, technological processes and equipment; activities concerning mitigation of consequences of natural and man-caused emergencies.


Field of Training – 0514 «Biotechnology»:

Institute of Ecological Safety

direction: 6.051401 “Biotechnology” (up to 2006 - 7.092902 Biotechnology of Bioactive Substances)

Present days biotechnology provides human beings with foodstuff, medicine; means for prevention of environment transformation harmful consequences; means for pests’ control. Biotechnological processes are a base for alternative energy sources. Experts of high qualification able to deal with mentioned problems are prepared with a specialization in this area.  


Field of Training - 0502 "Automation and Control”

Aerospace Control Systems Institute

direction: 6.050201 "Systems Engineering”

Specialty: engineer at control and maintenance of systems (qualification Bachelor of Systems Engineering) (up to 2006 - direction: 0914 "Computer-aided automatics and control systems” of specialty 8.091401 Systems of Automation  and Control (Institute of Electronics and Control Systems, Faculty of Aerospace Control Systems)

The introduction of modern information technology and science-based methodologies for computerized control of complex technological processes, moving objects, system control of  organizations and scientific and technical expertise of quality of cybernetic systems in aviation, aerospace and marine transport.

direction: 6.050202 "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies”

Specialty: engineer of computer systems (Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies) (up to 2006 - direction: 0925 "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies” of specialty 8.092502 Computer-Integrated Technological Processes and Manufacturing (Institute of Electronics and Control Systems, Faculty of Aerospace Control Systems)

Advanced computer aided design in computer networks, computer graphics and computer technology, control of computer-integrated production with higher degree of automation, development, research and testing of complex computer-integrated flight control and navigation systems.


Field of Training - 0508 "Electronics”

Aerospace Control Systems Institute

direction 6.050801" Micro-and Nanoelectronics"

Specialty: qualification of bachelor's degree in electronics and telecommunications.

The new direction of education - nanotechnology in electronics, specialists have a wide range of knowledge on the development and introduction of modern nanotechnology in electronics, algorithmic, software and hardware operation of computerized nanoelectronic systems, including biomedical electronics

direction 6.050802 "Electronic devices and systems"

Specialty: qualification of bachelor's degree in electronics and telecommunications.

Computerized system for processing and displaying information specialists have a wide range of knowledge in the development and implementation of algorithmic, software and hardware of modern computerized data processing and display, computer-adaptive algorithms and systems for recognition of three-dimensional image and speech signals, design and operation of digital electronic devices and systems for decision-making based on statistical data analysis.


Галузь знань 0509 “Радіотехніка, радіоелектронні апарати та зв‘язок”

Інститут аеронавігації

Напрям: 6.050901 “Радіотехніка”

за фахом, залежно від спеціалізації, інженер-електронік або інженер засобів радіо і телебачення.

Спеціальності за класифікацією до 2006 р.: 8.090702 “Радіоелектронні пристрої, системи та комплекси”. Фах: інженер-електронік. Сучасні технології виробництва, технічного обслуговування та ремонту радіолокаційних і радіонавігаційних систем аеропортів, систем зв‘язку аеропортів, доглядових і охоронних систем. 8.090702.02 “Радіолокаційні та радіонавігаційні системи аеропортів”, 8.090702.03 “Системи зв‘язку аеропортів”, 8.090702.03 “Доглядові та охоронні системи”, 8.090703 “Апаратура радіозв‘язку, радіомовлення та телебачення”. Фах: інженер засобів радіо та телебачення.8.090703.01 “Транспортні системи радіозв‘язку”. Сучасні технології виробництва, технічного обслуговування та ремонту транспортних телекомунікаційних систем різноманітного призначення.


Галузь знань ‑ 0511  "Авіаційна та ракетно-космічна техніка":

Інститут аеронавігації

Напрям: 6.051103 “Авіоніка”

за фахом: в класифікаторі професій назви даного напряму підготовки ще немає.

 До 2006 року напрям : 1001 “Авіація та космонавтика”, спеціальність 6.100100 “Обладнання повітряних суден”, кваліфікація – бакалавр з авіоніки.


Field of Training – 0701 “Transport and transport infrastructure”

Institute of Air Navigation

direction: 6.070102 “Air Navigation”

Speciality: Air traffic service engineer

Preparation of Air Traffic Controllers, who are responsible for monitoring air space to provide safe air traffic and to prevent potentially conflict situation, wireless communication with aircraft crew, coordination with other air traffic controllers according to the Standards and Recommended Practices of ICAO, EUROCONTROL and native standards. 


direction: 6.070102 “Air Navigation”

Specialty: Air Navigation service systems engineer (specialty 7/8.100118 Systems of air navigation service)

Air navigation means an systems (air traffic planning; air navigation systems and complexes development, designing and operation); radio electronic systems of aircrafts (development, manufacturing, maintenance and repair); safety of aviation (specialists in the joined field of flight safety and aviation security, including prevention of unauthorized intrusion into the aviation activity).


Field of Training – 0501 “Informatics and computing engineering”

Faculty of computer systems

direction:6.050102 «Computer engineering»

Speciality: computer engineering specialist (up to 2006 year the direction: 0915 «Computer engineering», speciality 8.091501 Computer systems and networks). 

Computer systems and networks design and exploitation; development and support of modern information technologies is in the corporate and global network systems; administration of computer networks and corporate databases; development and administration of sites (HTML, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, CGI, Perl, XML, MYSQL), and also networks of Extranet and Intranet.


Факультет комп’ютерних наук

         Напрям: 6.050103 «Програмна інженерія» 

за фахом: фахівець з розробки та тестування програмного забезпечення ( до 2006 року – напрям: 0804 «Компютерні науки», спеціальність 8.080403 Програмне забезпечення автоматизованих систем).

Розробка та супровід програмного забезпечення; програмування з застосуванням сучасних мов та їх інструментів;  адміністрування операційних систем і системне програмування; автоматизоване проектування і моделювання; інженерія програмного забезпечення (об’єктно-орієнтований аналіз, проектування, тестування і верифікація програмного забезпечення, супровід і адміністрування прикладного і системного програмного забезпечення).  


Field of Training – 0601 «Civil Engineering and Architecture»:

Institute of Airports

direction: 6.060101 «Industrial and Civil Engineering»

Specialty: civil engineer from designing, construction, operation and reconstruction of airportsobjects as well as objects of industrial and civil construction (up to 2006 – Direction:   0921 «Civil Engineering», specialty 8.092101  Civil and Industrial Engineering).

Latest computer technologies of designing, construction and technical operation of building objects of civil and industrial purpose following domestic and international standards, engineering networks of highways and airports.

direction: 6.060101 «Highways and Airfields»

Specialty: civil engineer from designing, construction, operation and reconstruction of road and airfield objects as well as objects of transport construction  (up to 2006– direction: 0921 «Civil Engineering», specialty 8.092105 – Highways and Airfields ).

Automated technologies of highways designing using modern software, designing airfields, adjoining engineering structures and media connections, construction and operation of highways, airfields, networks and complexes of municipal economy.


Field of Training - 0701 «Transport Technologies»

Institute of Economics and Management

direction: 6.070101 “Air Transport technologies”

Specialty: bachelor of transport technologies (up to 2006 direction: 1004 “Transport technologies” specialty 8.100403  Air Transportation Management (Institute of economics and management, Management and logistics department):

Organize and control passenger, cargo and post transportation processes at airports, on airlines, in travel agencies, forwarding and handling companies. Specifity of transport technologies, interaction of different means of transport, logistics, airport operation, transport units service management, electronic ticketing systems, transport organizations management, air tariffs, etc.